Bringing quality to our customers

Grease Box – Original


Grease Box – Original

The Grease Box™ is designed to be low impact and blend cosmetically with exhaust systems.

The unique enclosed box design allows this box to be 100% weather-proof and windproof.

The Grease Box™ Grease Pillows use the Fill-More™ line of Grease Pillows.

The Grease Box™ is designed to be low impact and blend cosmetically with exhaust systems. The unique enclosed box was designed with facility management in mind which allows this box to be 100% weather-proof and windproof. The Grease Box™ Grease Pillows use the same tried and true technology as our Fill-More™ line of Grease Pillows. This means that they ONLY absorb exhaust fan grease discharge, not precipitation, making them extremely effective as well as environmentally friendly. Manufactured from 22-gauge galvanized sheet metal.

Three Styles Available
The Grease Box, Original – Designed for Moderate Volume Grease Exhaust Fans

  • 3 Tiers with one of a kind patented Polypropylene grease absorbent pillows
  • The 1st & 2nd Tier has the patented “Even Water Flow Diverter”
  • The 3rd Tier has the patented ”Over Flow Walls”


Omni Containment Systems


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SKU: GB-001 Category:

